Real name: Blair Yamasaki
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Patient, strong, good-natured, willing to help, cautious, direct
Weapons/Equipment: His equipment came from Lyonell’s Laboratories. Phase-blades only hurt living tissue so they would not hurt undead monsters.
The frequency harmonies in the phase-blades repel each other like the opposite polar ends on a magnet. As such, 2 phase blades will NOT pass through each other! (Perfect for sword duals!)
FLOATING: Sable Blade is dressed in an anti-gravity harness that subdues the laws of gravity and physics, allowing him to create all types of aerial acrobatic tricks – even hang in midair.
The anti-gravity harness supports his injured back and allows him to do martial arts. Without his harness on he is incapable of martial arts feats. With it – he is the best!
BLADE SWORD: The phase-sword is an energy blade that passes through solid matter – but disrupts the energy sequence between nerves – stunning an opponent where it touches them! Also works on machinery.
ENERGY CROSSBOW: The gauntlet-crossbow is an energy-compound device that builds, stores, and launches a fistful of destructive energy from a virtual reality, energy-compression gauntlet system. One gauntlet stores the firing energy – the other draws and releases it. The further the draw the more powerful the blast. (The system does not contain a crossbow ‘string’ – it is virtual.) Both gauntlets also allow super-blast punches if desired/necessary.
Skills/Abilities: Lifetime, avid follower of martial arts. Holds black belts (some are double degree) in judo, tae kwon do, karate, shotokan, aikido, and fung fu.
Preferred Strike: Two-fingered punch to the throat. Swift, simply, easy, powerful... and the opponent can't talk back.
A Martial Arts instructor who injured his back during an ally fight.
During a martial arts competition he defeated his opponent, who was a sore loser. Following the martial arts competition he and his classmates cornered him in an ally and beat him almost to death. He doctor gave him the bad news: he would never be able to do martial arts again.
Down-on-his-luck, he was walking home one day when he came across a strange site: an unmarked black van had overturned and a group of people were fighting in the street. Despite his back injury he joined to assist and was able to stop the attackers using only his cane and his arms.
However, when the fight was over the people he thought he was defending also ran away from him, leaving him with the van and its contents.
What he found inside was technology hardware he’d never seen before. Fearing it would be stolen he took it home. After curiosity turned to experimenting he discovered that he could defy the laws of nature, gravity, and physics – allowing him to once again enjoy the benefits of martial arts like he’d never been able to enjoy before!
He planned to return the items to the scene of the crime but a series of adventures kept him from returning them immediately. By the time he returned to the scene the van was gone – along with any clue of who to return the items to.
Now armed with his phase-blade and gauntlet-crossbow he guards the night street’s dark ally’s-putting an end to any other attackers.
He currently teaches a martial arts hand-to-hand course at Fleetwood University.
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